Export Development Canada (EDC)

“At EDC, we’re committed to reducing barriers for women-owned and -led businesses seeking to grow internationally. Whether you need better access to capital, tools to manage risk, or knowledge about foreign markets, we’re here to support your success.”

Catherine Beach, National Lead, Women in Trade, EDC

Export Development Canada (EDC) is a financial Crown corporation dedicated to helping Canadian companies of all sizes succeed on the world stage. As international risk experts, EDC equips Canadian companies with the tools they need—the trade knowledge, financing solutions, equity, insurance, and connections—to grow their business with confidence.

From the onset of the current economic crisis, EDC has been working alongside federal partners and Canadian financial institutions to provide the financial relief and services that Canadian businesses need to weather the pandemic, here and abroad. Underlying it all is EDC’s commitment to sustainable and responsible business.

With a strategy to support women-owned and -led businesses at every stage of their export journey, EDC aims to empower women entrepreneurs to go, grow and succeed beyond borders. Our commitment includes a $200 million fund to provide equity growth capital to Canadian exporting businesses owned and led by people identifying as women, Indigenous, Black and other dimensions of diversity.

For more information and to learn how we can help your company, visit

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