Innovative Solutions Canada

Innovative Solutions Canada is a government innovation program that supports Canadian businesses by funding R&D and testing prototypes in real-life settings. The program offers funding through two streams: The Challenge Stream and The Testing Stream.

The Challenge Stream is geared toward early-stage R&D (Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1-6). Through this stream, the program works with government organizations to launch challenges, and Canadian innovators can compete for funding to develop novel solutions. If your idea is selected, you could receive up to $1.15M to develop a proof of feasibility and build a prototype.

The Testing Stream is for innovators with late-stage prototypes (TRL 7-9). Through open and thematic calls for proposals, this stream offers funding to test your prototype in real-life settings with government organizations. You could land a contract with the Government of Canada and get the feedback you need to get your innovation to market. The Testing Stream funds up to $550k to test non-military innovations, and up to $1.15M to test military innovations.

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Les publications dans le fil de discussion sont du domaine public. Toutes les opinions exprimées par les participants leur appartiennent et ne correspondent pas nécessairement à celles de la SADC de Northumberland ni à celles de ses partenaires.


Open Challenges